This is what I've been tinkering with for the last couple of weeks. Basically, it's a distributed-object system with persistence based on top of Qt. It allows me to write objects that can be moved from computer to computer and automatically be persisted to disc (or wherever else) - so for example I can log into a site on my tablet in a web browser then move that browser to my desktop PC, keeping my login credentials and page position - something similar to what Engadget calls the continuous client.
Code tarball is here - I've been building it using android-qt's branch of qtcreator on Kubuntu 10.10. It's very definitely a prototype and does not (obviously) represent production-quality code.
Detailed description is in the tarball and also here.
Next time I have a "there should be an app for this" idea, I'm going to send it to you.
ReplyDeleteJeff K