I have, after some messing about, compiled Android from the AOSP source release and got it running on my Pandaboard ES. Here are some random hints for anyone else trying to do the same -
Most importantly, make sure you're pulling the latest master branch from AOSP. A fix went in on, oh, Tuesday or so that actually made the bootloader and fastboot work on the ES board. Without this, you are doomed. Thread here -
With this, the instructions in device/ti/panda/README more or less work out of the box (exception: fastboot flash userdata and fastboot flashall both need -p panda specified). Without it you get stuck at the Waiting for Omap43xx... step because fastboot doesn't recognise the ID of the ES board, only the original Pandaboard.
If using HDMI, make sure to use the connector on the corner of the board - I saw SGX crashes trying to use the other.
The engineering build is sloooooow and would be a pain to develop with, I think; the user-with-root build is still a bit sluggish at first before code gets JITed but is usable.
Don't be tempted to try and format the SD card yourself, as I was before finding out how to get fastboot working; there's a script floating around out there called omap3-mkcard.sh, but for me it didn't produce anything I could boot. It has a bug in it, too - there's a section that goes like this:
if [ -x `which kpartx` ]; then
kpartx -a ${DRIVE}
If you actually have kpartx installed then this will 'hold onto' the partitions on your SD card, causing the filesystem creation code later to fail, every time, because the device is busy. Not sure how that got through testing, but it can be replaced with
sfdisk -R $DRIVE
Also, if you're adding udev rules so that you can use fastboot and adb as non-root, these are the entries needed for the ES (different from the plain Pandaboard) -
# fastboot protocol on panda (PandaBoard ES)
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0451", ATTR{idProduct}=="d010", MODE="0600", OWNER="<user>"
# adb protocol on panda (PandaBoard ES)
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0451", ATTR{idProduct}=="d101", MODE="0600", OWNER="<user>"
where <user> should of course be replaced with your login. On my (Kubuntu 11.10) system these appear to live in /lib/udev/rules.d and not /etc/udev
Hope this helps someone! I'm pretty happy with the board now it's running; I have accelerated 3d (make sure to get the latest 4.0.3 binary driver drop from the Nexus drivers page) and working wifi. No audio, but I can live with that for now. I was also pleasantly surprised by the build time - Google recommends an absolute monster of a build machine, but my fairly middle of the road triple-core machine compiled ICS from scratch with -j 6 in about two hours.